EQUITY TUNES: Episode 1 ‘Caucasian’
I was on my bike and was thinking.
Give it to me.
What if we created an equity ‘Webtoon’ series called Equity Tunes? We can highlight real equity issues we notice and offer resources and organizational ‘tune-up’ ideas!
You mean noticing things like ‘Caucasian’ still on official forms?
[Picture of official government form in 2023]
Need some resources?
The Surprisingly Racist History of "Caucasian"
The myth of race, debunked in 3 minutes
Bonus Resources
Should Latinos Be Considered a Race?
Are we still using the term Caucasian in our forms and documents? If so, why?
Do we have a clearly stated purpose we convey about why we collect racial/ethnic demographic information?
Do we create a distinction between race and ethnicity? Why or why not?
Do we allow for multiracial self-designation? How could an Afro-Latino/a/x person identify?
Who has/hasn’t been involved in the decision to make any racial or ethnic demographic category changes?
How do we acknowledge Tribal identity or affiliation in our demographic designations?
equitymattersnw.com * facebook.com/equitymatters
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